Sunday, May 24, 2015

I met a guy a few months ago :)

I found this guy, a very amazing guy :) who I now proudly call my boyfriend !
His name is Max and he's a French mix Portuguese. 
 I saw him at the foyer one day and ever since then I kinda had my eyes on him. I didn't see him everyday because some days he isn't at the foyer but when I do he is always on his laptop.
About 1 or 2 months later, I told my friends I was going to get his name and number and ask him to be my friend (Sounds kinda childish and all I know but hey, I am still a teen anyway).
Every time I saw him I would start to chicken out haha. Then I made my bestfriends help me, I told them to dare me to go talk to him... It was my kind of motivation to go out there and all.

There was this one day I saw him with his friend and I kept wanting to talk to him but go scared. I'd walk towards his table then when I'm really near I'd walk away and walk back to my table where my bestfriend was observing haha. (See what I mean by me chickening out?). But anyways I managed to talk to his friend and managed to get his name and all.

So few days later I managed to gather all my guts to finally talk to him!!! 
It was on a Friday and he was wearing a white shirt ( he usually does and oh btw, I used to call him paper before I got his name) I was shaking and got up and went after him ( cause I was too chicken to go earlier and he was going to class already) I got his number and ever since then we've been in contact ! :)
I still remember the first movie we went to see together 

After a few dates, late at night while we were whatsapping he asked me if I had a crush on anyone bla bla skipping a few parts and he told me he thinks he may have a crush on me!!!!
I was so surprised and happy and it was 1:32am (25/08/14) and I was so very much awake!!! 
Haha so me being me I told have a crush on him too but in an awkward weird kinda way to understand sentence hahah.... Just remembering this right now make me so happy!!
After a few days, then it was official on 13th September 2014 :) we were together hehehe ahhhh good times :')

He's a really sweet guy and I love him very much. I'm really lucky and proud to have him and call him mine =) 
Now I'm just going to post pictures like I always do .

( First picture we took since we got together! )

 ( Watched Hobbit at MidValley )

( Ate at Fish & Co at One Utama )

( Photo in the frame was take on my birthday )

( Valentine's Day )

 ( We were talking and my hand accidentally clicked the camera )

 That's all I have to say for now :)
Till next time then ! 

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