Friday, May 31, 2013

Something New

Its the first day of June in 2013 :)
May was a month which I devoted myself to my mid terms . It was hectic and I encountered a few sleepless nights because I was honestly very unprepared for the exams , I tend to study only at the last minute ..  I've been doing that for all my past exams and my results .. well skip all that its the holidays now.

Yesterday I went to Sunway with Amber and her sisters and met JimJim and AiYuen there .I also bumped into ChuYin and AhHao , its been awhile since I've see them and it felt so good to see them .

The 4 Of Us
Well I don't really have anything to say about my holidays because nothing really exciting happenes .
I'll just blog about whats on my mind right now.. recently I've been finding out that a friend of mine had been exaggerating and telling small lies to me unnecessarily . Its not the first time a friend has lied to me anyways , so I'll just get over it. Thou it really bugs me :\ Oh well.

That's all for now I guess . Hope June will be better then May and hope luck will be on my side :) Bye!

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