Sunday, May 24, 2015

I met a guy a few months ago :)

I found this guy, a very amazing guy :) who I now proudly call my boyfriend !
His name is Max and he's a French mix Portuguese. 
 I saw him at the foyer one day and ever since then I kinda had my eyes on him. I didn't see him everyday because some days he isn't at the foyer but when I do he is always on his laptop.
About 1 or 2 months later, I told my friends I was going to get his name and number and ask him to be my friend (Sounds kinda childish and all I know but hey, I am still a teen anyway).
Every time I saw him I would start to chicken out haha. Then I made my bestfriends help me, I told them to dare me to go talk to him... It was my kind of motivation to go out there and all.

There was this one day I saw him with his friend and I kept wanting to talk to him but go scared. I'd walk towards his table then when I'm really near I'd walk away and walk back to my table where my bestfriend was observing haha. (See what I mean by me chickening out?). But anyways I managed to talk to his friend and managed to get his name and all.

So few days later I managed to gather all my guts to finally talk to him!!! 
It was on a Friday and he was wearing a white shirt ( he usually does and oh btw, I used to call him paper before I got his name) I was shaking and got up and went after him ( cause I was too chicken to go earlier and he was going to class already) I got his number and ever since then we've been in contact ! :)
I still remember the first movie we went to see together 

After a few dates, late at night while we were whatsapping he asked me if I had a crush on anyone bla bla skipping a few parts and he told me he thinks he may have a crush on me!!!!
I was so surprised and happy and it was 1:32am (25/08/14) and I was so very much awake!!! 
Haha so me being me I told have a crush on him too but in an awkward weird kinda way to understand sentence hahah.... Just remembering this right now make me so happy!!
After a few days, then it was official on 13th September 2014 :) we were together hehehe ahhhh good times :')

He's a really sweet guy and I love him very much. I'm really lucky and proud to have him and call him mine =) 
Now I'm just going to post pictures like I always do .

( First picture we took since we got together! )

 ( Watched Hobbit at MidValley )

( Ate at Fish & Co at One Utama )

( Photo in the frame was take on my birthday )

( Valentine's Day )

 ( We were talking and my hand accidentally clicked the camera )

 That's all I have to say for now :)
Till next time then ! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Speechless really

I haven't been blogging lately :( whoops ! hehehh 
URGH SPM stress is really getting to me :\ I have not been going shopping lately and all I do is laze and rot at home ... The last outing I went was with Carmen and Case but that was like on 6/09/2013 ... well I got nothing to write really :\ so I'll just post the pictures I took with them that day (: 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

First Day Of June Well Spent

Woke up at 8.30am yesterday , I guess I was too excited about meeting my Assuntarian bestie :) Yes , I was from SMK Assunta , but that was only when I was form 1 and my primary school is SK Assunta (1) . Assuntarian spirit still in me yo ! haha . Well we have not met ever since I transferred to SMK Batu Lapan when I was form 2 . Yes , i'm from Batu Lapan too and I was only there for a year , when I was form 3 I transferred to my current school , SMK Seksyen 4 . Amazed by the amount of school I have transferred to right ? Haha I get that alot , when my friends find out they'd be like "Huh ? You studied in Assunta/Batu Lapan before ?" Quite a shocker huh haha :) Well its been about 3 years + since I saw her . 
This is my Assuntarian bestie 
Isn't she sweet :) awwww hahah well in the past years we have been wanting to go out together but either one of us would have to cancel it somehow due to our tight schedule's . Finally we both came to an agreement to promise not to cancel on each other anymore and the meet up was successful . 
Her dad has an awesome memory , the last time we went out was when I was form 1 and her dad had fetched me or sent me home . Its has been so long but he still remembered how to come to my house after one time . Salute him haha . Well in the beginning we both felt so akward and speechless but after some time we were okay and began really talking . She treated me to a movie , EPIC . Heard of it ? Its an awesome cartoon movie with moral values and packed with adorableness , comedy and a little love . I  really recommend you to watch it and if you're tired of watching those action packed movies watch this !! I give it a thumbs up ! :)

I forgot to mention where I went yesterday haha , um I went to Sunway pyramid haha :) Going on with everything , we had plenty of time to kill because at that moment it was only 11pm and the movie starts at 3.40pm so we walked about and went shopping . I got myself a new black T-Shirt from FOS and she bought a couple of shirts from Fblock and nail polish remover from SASA . After walking for a very long time we got thirsty and I treated her to Chatime . While we were resting and enjoying our drinks I bumped into my Cg leader Chuan Xin , looks like he was accompanying his mother . After our drinks we went to window shop at Forever 21 , Cotton on and so on . At Forever 21 I bumped into my schoolmate Viwern . Its a small world haha .
Soon we got tired of walking again and went to see people skate . One of the many things I share in common with her is that we both don't know how to skate and we've never skated before . After watching people skate we decided that its time to eat our yummie lunch . We ate at Ah Cheng Laksa . If you have a craving for asam laksa , pan mee or curry laksa go to that place ! Its cheap , the portions are alot and it is just so delicious ! 

Its a small kiosk located in Asian Avenue , go check it out . I give it a big thumbs up ! :) so we ate that and then went for our movie , moments after the movie started my friend Bii An called me and offered to fetch me to church after my movie . I thought he was joking or something because it was so sudden and random to me . After the movie he rang me again and said " Shala you done with everything already? " (He said it in mandarin actually and he gave me the nickname "Shala") and I told him " Yes , why ?" and he said he's gonna fetch me and I was so surprised but thankful :) so he waited for me at as I walked out of the building after taking some pictures with my bestie . By the way , my bestie's name is Poh Sunn .

After hanging out with her I went to church at Kuchai Lama . I haven't been to church for quite sometime due to some personal reasons and it felt so great to be back ! It felt like its been ages since I went to church and hung out with my church buddies . I enjoyed the praise and worship and the service . The service yesterday was very focused on the coming event Malaysia 4 Jesus (M4J) . Its a revival event at Bukit Jalil Stadium , feel free to drop by , its open to the public . Look at the link and image below for more details. ,

If you don't believe in God and you don't believe he can do miracles come to this event and reconsider that thought in your mind . If you know anyone who is needs healing bring them to this event and experience miracles together , its FOC and open to everyone . 
Well I have written alot in this post , its now time for the pictures of my day yesterday =D !







Angel and min hui behind me


Chuan Xin 




Ying ying
Xiao Xiao


Look at the two gay guys hugging happily behind me

:  That's all for now :) Bye !